Houston Road Test


Driving Test, DPS Road Test or Driving Exam

Your Road Test – Driving Test – Driving Exam (DPS Equivalent) will be conducted by a Licensed and Certified DPS Examiner at the time of your appointment. The TEST facility is centrally located, with very flexible hours (10:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday – Friday & Saturday 8:00 am – 2:30 pm) and extremely reasonable prices.

The DPS Road Test Equivalent is the last test to pass and get your FULL Texas Driver License. We at Monroy Driving School have all the State Licenses to conduct the WRITTEN & ROAD TEST in our facility. Our Examiners are DPS Certified and Licensed by the State of Texas and TDLR.

You do not need to worry about our qualifications as you may call any local DPS office and ask about our record or even better check the DPS website for our listing as Approved Third Party Skill Testing Facility.




We offer one class every month usually starting on the 1st Monday. Students stay in classroom from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Monday – Friday (Summer Classes & Times Vary). Please call us if you need more information 713-239-2275